
Towards the end of my BA and after, I discovered a passion for writing non-academic essays, inspired by the works of authors such as Olivia Laing, Zadie Smith, and Dolly Alderton. Below you can find various published essays in which I draw from my own experience, and the world around, to discuss, then subsequently digest, a variety of themes.

Black Dog Zine.


Playground Rituals.

This essay, featured in Black Dog Zines first issue, looks at the personal realisation that my primary school’s tradition of Maypole dancing was not as normal as I thought it to be, and how it represents the wider context of Suffolk’s retention of things gone by.

Find a copy here.

 Nerve Zine.


Rock Bottom Never Looked So Good.

This piece, written for Nerve Zine’s third issue, explores the theme of progress. Looking back at a recent time where I had hit what outwardly looked like “rock bottom”: sat hungover, crying about a man, on the phone to my sister, wearing bright orange sunglasses I found on my desk - I realise how much humour and hope can be found that this is what low looks like now, that even my worst is a progression on the past.

Copies can be found here.

DearMovie Zine.


When Harry Met Sally, and We Met Marie.

Exploring DearMovies Zine’s fifth issue’s theme of friendship, I examine the often ignored relationship between Marie and Sally, in Nora Ephron’s classic film When Harry Met Sally.

Copies can be found here.

Moonhood Magazine.


Photography by Elspeth Walker


Ears to Listen.

Looking at how in a world of so much communication, we often forget to listen, this work delves into why the practise is so important, especially for society today.

Read here.

Going Back to Analogue.

Since using analogue photography during my Art & Design A Level, I have kept up the past time, realising the meditative quality to the practise, and how it enables us to learn more about patience in the process of making art.

Read here.